The journey starts

We woke up early feeling enthusiastic to hike Broga Hill.We departed at 5:30 a.m. from our condo and reached Broga Hill at 6:00 a.m. We were told that Broga Hill is fondly called as Bukit Lalang - as the hill is covered with weeds resembling an African Savannah. The hill is about 350 meter in height. No trees are found up there due to the hard ground - with rocks. The peak of the hill guarantees a scenic view of the Broga valley and a glimpse of Semenyih.

Gotta Pay

I couldn’t help but notice that the parking lot was already over 50% occupied. They counted head for the parking ticket which is RM1 per head. so that makes it RM5 because there's 5 of us.

As we approach the main gate to start our hike we were told to pay another RM1 for entrance which I think is not needed since they counted head for the parking ticket. So I had a short arguement with the person but in the end I just paid because I wanted to climb my dream mountain.

Half way there

I was so hyped for this trip that i left my friends while i zoomed through all the obstacle in less than 15minutes!

The trail is beautiful with rhythmically swaying weeds. At some crossings, there are ropes to help you trek - the trail is slippery in the morning due to the mist - so, we had to be careful as not to fall off. At the first peak, we took a break to enjoy the cool morning breeze - absolutely refreshing and calming - a good place to de-stress - and the greenery is truly a feast to the eye. It's good to start off early - to enjoy the morning breeze and avoid the scorching afternoon sun.

I couldn't feel my legs

I'd hate to say this but my leg hurts! but that's not stopping me from accomplishing from childhood dream to reach the highest peak in the world!.

Although i got bitten by a snake but no pain is ever going to stop me. I strangled the snake and it ran as soon as i tried to bite it back.

Almost fainted...

We were almost there but suddenly i felt a bit dizzy. I started to see black spot around. I know something is not right but suddenly i remembered what my idol said;

It Always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela

Keep on trying! Never give up on something you can't go a day without thinking about - Justin Bieber

Rayymond dont be naughty - My Mum

They were my role models and what kept me going every day

Mild injuries

There was a bit of venom in my legs the time when I got bitten by the snake. Lucky enough I remembered a technique i learnt from a hidden cave on how to remove snake's venom.

First, I straighten my legs then I gently put my mouth on the wounded area. I slowly suck the venom out with the help of my tounge. There's dark scars on my legs but that doesn't matter as long as my legs were healed.

After treatment

My legs is back to normal!!! yayy

Then we went uphill full speed in hope to achieve my dreams

We finally reach the top of the mountain

After going through all the difficulties during the early stage of the hike. I. Rayymond. Rayymond Thomas finally made my mark on this Mountain. Being one of the earliest man to step foot on this mountain is not an easy task but sometimes you have to keep on going. Always remember that Failure is just a practice towards success.

To celebrate my achievement , I decided to be a statue on this peak.


Chilling and enjoying the panoromic scenery of the beautiful greeneries.

I couldn't resist...

I just cant. I took selfies and flexed my muscles everwhere on the mountain to show to the world!!

On the way down...

We stumbled upon a black ants colony. I think they were migrating to a new area as they were moving together in a huge army.

So I decided to be a bad person and kill them alllllll!!!

We had drinks at an aunty stall

As we were reaching the base of the mountain we stopped by to have a drink in this beautiful aunty's stall

She suggested that we drink the fresh coconut because it is able to help cool down the temperature of our body

The feeling you get when you're away from earth from a thousand years...

After breaking almost all 205 of 206 bones in my body, I finally reached the base of Mount everest